Post by StRiDeR on Jan 21, 2004 1:22:01 GMT 8
o..camtu!ok..sy cuba!tq.. samer2
Post by atokENSEM on Jan 23, 2004 4:51:00 GMT 8
Mayat bertukar khinzir: sensasi atau qat'iy?
Cerita ini dilaporkan oleh Ustaz Kamal Ashaari, Imam Muda Masjid Negeri di Shah Alam. Beliau menerima panggilan dari rumah jenazah di Damansara kira-kira pukul 3 pagi. Oleh kerana jaraknya lebih kurang 30 km, beliau bertanyakan tak adakah orang-orang yang berhampiran yang boleh menguruskan jenazah tersebut. Pemanggil tersebut mendesak beliau untuk datang juga.
Setibanya di sana (Damansara - kawasan perumahan eksklusif) beliau dapati jenazah diletakkan diruang tamu banglo berkenaan tanpa di tutupi dengan apa-apa kain pun. Yang ada cuma tukang kebun dan tukang masak sahaja. Beliau merasa hairan bagaimana jenazah tersebut dibiarkan begitu saja. Ustaz tersebut bertanya mana waris simati yang lain. Beliau dimaklumkan bahawa kesemua anak-anak simati telahpun balik sebelum Maghrib kerana sibuk dengan urusan kerja masing-masing (bayangkanlah). Memandang jenazah agak sasa orangnya, Ustaz Kamal bercadang untuk menunggu hingga Subuh supaya dapat dia meminta pertolongan jemaah masjid berhampiran untuk menolong mengurus jenazah berkenaan. Ditutupnya jenazah berkenaan dengan kain dan beliaupun membaca Al-Quran sementara menunggu waktu subuh. Menjelang subuh, beliau pun bersiap-siap hendak ke masjid. Walau bagaimanapun ketika beliau hendak melangkah, beliau melihat sesuatu yang bergerak di bawah selimut jenazah. Kejadian itu berlaku selama empat minit dan apabila ianya berhenti, Ustaz Kamal memberanikan diri untuk membuka kain penutup jenazah tersebut. Beliau terkejut kerana keseluruhan jenazah telah bertukar menjadi khinzir (babi hutan). Melihat keadaan tersebut, beliau membatalkan cadangan untuk menguruskan jenazah berkenaan kerana ianya bukan lagi manusia tetapi binatang dan juga najis berat (mughalazah).... haram disentuh. Menurut tukang kebun tersebut, tuannya dulu tidak pernah langsung sembahyang dan amat membenci sebarang kegiatan berbentuk agama. Dengan pertolongan tukang kebun, beliau mengheret bangkai tersebut ke belakang rumah berlapikkan tikar dan menanam bangkai tersebut sebagaimana yang biasa dilakukan keatas haiwan. Menurut Ustaz Kamal, kalau jenazah tersebut separuh manusia separuh khinzir, bolehlah juga beliau ikhtiarkan mana yang patut tapi keseluruhannya jasad telah bertukar menjad khinzir.
Post by TwinHead-FOREIGNER on Jan 24, 2004 13:08:32 GMT 8
The Dirty Little Secret of College
One in four college freshmen at four-year universities do not return for their sophomore year. Community colleges fare even worse with half not returning for the second year. Why? The reality of college doesn't meet the expectations the students had when they were in high school.
The Seattle Times reports that for many new college students, the intensity of the pace and the amount of academic work can be overwhelming. Even though Advanced Placement classes, which are designed to cover the same material as college courses, have become more popular and accessible than ever before most--yes, most--high school graduates are not prepared to enter college, the Times says of numerous studies.
Call it the dirty little secret of college. Stanford University has another way to describe it: Betraying the college dream. The Bridge Project at Stanford recently published a national report, based on information culled from students, parents, and educators in six states, that list the top 10 myths students believe about college.
How many of these myths top 10 myths about preparing for and attending college do you believe?
Myth No. 1: I can't afford college. Reality: Students and parents regularly overestimate the cost of college.
Myth No. 2: I have to be a stellar athlete or student to get financial aid. Reality: Most students receive some form of financial aid.
Myth No. 3: Meeting high school graduation requirements will prepare me for college. Reality: Adequate preparation for college usually requires a more demanding curriculum than is reflected in minimum high school graduation requirements, sometimes even if that curriculum is termed "college prep."
Myth No. 4: Getting into college is the hardest part. Reality: For most students, the hardest part is completing college.
Myth No. 5: Community colleges don't have academic standards. Reality: Students usually must take placement tests at community colleges to qualify for college-level work.
Myth No. 6: It's better to take easier classes in high school and get better grades. Reality: One of the best predictors of college success is taking rigorous high school classes. Getting good grades in lower-level classes will not prepare students for college-level work.
Myth No. 7: My senior year in high school doesn't matter. Reality: The classes students take in their senior year will often determine the classes they are able to take in college and how well-prepared they are for those classes.
Myth No. 8: I don't have to worry about my grades or what classes I take until my sophomore year. Reality: Many colleges look at sophomore grades, and in order to enroll in college-level courses, students need to prepare well for college. This means taking a well-thought-out series of courses starting no later than ninth or 10th grade.
Myth No. 9: I can't start thinking about financial aid until I know where I'm going to college. Reality: Students need to file a federal aid form before most colleges send out acceptance letters. This applies to students who attend community colleges, too, even though they can apply and enroll in the fall of the year they wish to attend.
Myth No. 10: I can take whatever classes I want when I get to college. Reality: Most colleges and universities require students to take placement exams in core subject areas. Those tests will determine the classes students can take.
Senior Student
ha..ha..ha..KeMBaLi MeMBaHaN TanPA RaSa JeMu...
Posts: 483
Post by ActioNKaMeN on Jan 25, 2004 0:29:31 GMT 8
panjang doo...malas nak bace...thread ni memang kene post panjang² ke?
Post by atokENSEM on Jan 25, 2004 5:13:37 GMT 8
panjang doo...malas nak bace...thread ni memang kene post panjang² ke? tak jugak!ia tpulang pd individu itu sendiri..sbb..kalo kite ringkaskan,pembaca sukar nak faham dan byk tanya..
Senior Student
ha..ha..ha..KeMBaLi MeMBaHaN TanPA RaSa JeMu...
Posts: 483
Post by ActioNKaMeN on Jan 26, 2004 1:00:02 GMT 8
orait la tu...bile banyak tanye banyak la post....bagi penggemar gile post....post jangan tak post...pangkat sedang menanti anda...
Post by john on Jan 26, 2004 12:50:52 GMT 8
encik pangkat tidak lagi menanti...dia dah blah dah tadi...aku sampai lambat sangat....nak buat camane....dah jalan traffic jam....
Post by KomOt on Jan 26, 2004 13:37:30 GMT 8
encik pangkat ke?? aku baru je selisih ngan dia tadi.. dia kem salam kat saper2 yg kejar dia.. ;D
Post by SweetGirlz on Jan 26, 2004 16:39:25 GMT 8
xsemestinye byk tanya..gila post..
Post by KomOt on Jan 26, 2004 16:52:27 GMT 8
saper wei gila post?? encik posmen ke??
Post by SweetGirlz on Jan 26, 2004 17:06:30 GMT 8
saper wei gila post?? encik posmen ke?? komot yg gile post..
Post by KomOt on Jan 26, 2004 17:08:14 GMT 8
ah,aku ke?? la..tak perasan la pulak.. aku ingat aku gila bayang je.. ;D
Post by atokENSEM on Jan 27, 2004 2:09:03 GMT 8
org kata..kalo gado2..lama2 syg!
Post by PoKai B on Jan 27, 2004 12:05:44 GMT 8
org kata..kalo gado2..lama2 syg! tapi...kalau gaduh...akibatnyer kena bhn...
Post by cuak_mengganas on Jan 27, 2004 23:05:06 GMT 8
tapi...kalau gaduh...akibatnyer kena bhn... mane ko tau pokai b...ko xnak belanje aku pun mkn pizza kan...ko dah bwk org yg salah.....pttnyer aku kene ade...x sangke aku dipinggirkan....