Post by KomOt on Feb 9, 2004 13:30:54 GMT 8
kahkahkah....pokaiboi tul la kau ni komot... aku bukan tanya kalau terkantoi...aku tanya effect kalau bau kentut sendiri....boleh datangkan mudarat ke? ooo...hhahaha..ok ok..bole dol..cuba ko bau kentut ko sendiri..ade tak ko rasa pening2?? ha,tu la efek dia.. bole mendatangkan pening paler.. ;D
Post by john on Feb 9, 2004 16:11:20 GMT 8
letih aku melayan kau ni komot.... ;D
Post by atokENSEM on Feb 10, 2004 1:24:08 GMT 8
abis, kalau terbau kentut sendiri camane lak? sendiri kentut!sendiri mau ingatla kwn...
Post by john on Feb 10, 2004 9:55:13 GMT 8
sendiri kentut!sendiri mau ingatla kwn... aku tanya kalau bau kentut sendiri...ada efek (medical term) ke?
Post by atokENSEM on Feb 11, 2004 1:28:52 GMT 8
aku tanya kalau bau kentut sendiri...ada efek (medical term) ke? atok tak dpt jawab..sbb takde keje nak bau kentut sendiri..
Post by KomOt on Feb 13, 2004 12:23:53 GMT 8
kn aku dh bgtau efek dia kt ko john.. ape la ko ni.. tu tak leh terima la tu.. special efek dia je yg tak ade.. heheh.. ;D
Senior Student
Success is not to b persued, it is to b attracted by the person we bcome......
Posts: 427
Post by sha on Feb 14, 2004 8:36:31 GMT 8
Be considerate in hospital
A message from a nurse..be considerate in hospital when itsays 'No Cell Phones Allowed' Hope this is not too late to those who need to visit the hospital.
Just something to keep in mind........... This mail was actually forwarded by a nurse in the Critical Care Unit of a local private hospital. Just turn off our phone next time when you are in the hospital. The person being affected may just be someone you love. When you enter a hospital, do look out for signs that say, "NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED".
You might not realise what unfortunate things can happen due to your negligence. Be considerate!
A 4 year-old girl was admitted due to leg fracture. As it was an open fracture, she had to undergo an operation to stitch the protruding bone back in place. The girl was hooked onto a life support system during the operation. The doctors input data into the life support system before he began the surgery. The operation went well until all in a sudden the life support system went dead. It was found out that an idiot was using his/her handphone outside the operation Theatre.The frequency had actually affected the system. They tried to track the fellow but to no avail. The little girl, young and innocent as she was, died soon after due to the failureofthe life support system.
Message: Be considerate. Do not use your hand phone at any hospital or places where you're told not to use it. You might not be caught in the act, but you might have killed someone without knowing it! Please pass this on to as many people as possible!
Post by enigma on Feb 14, 2004 8:42:44 GMT 8
Be considerate in hospital A message from a nurse..be considerate in hospital when itsays 'No Cell Phones Allowed' Hope this is not too late to those who need to visit the hospital. Just something to keep in mind........... This mail was actually forwarded by a nurse in the Critical Care Unit of a local private hospital. Just turn off our phone next time when you are in the hospital. The person being affected may just be someone you love. When you enter a hospital, do look out for signs that say, "NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED". You might not realise what unfortunate things can happen due to your negligence. Be considerate! A 4 year-old girl was admitted due to leg fracture. As it was an open fracture, she had to undergo an operation to stitch the protruding bone back in place. The girl was hooked onto a life support system during the operation. The doctors input data into the life support system before he began the surgery. The operation went well until all in a sudden the life support system went dead. It was found out that an idiot was using his/her handphone outside the operation Theatre.The frequency had actually affected the system. They tried to track the fellow but to no avail. The little girl, young and innocent as she was, died soon after due to the failureofthe life support system. Message: Be considerate. Do not use your hand phone at any hospital or places where you're told not to use it. You might not be caught in the act, but you might have killed someone without knowing it! Please pass this on to as many people as possible! pasni kalo masok hospital jgn on hanset tau kengkawan......
Post by atokENSEM on Feb 14, 2004 19:46:25 GMT 8
pasni kalo masok hospital jgn on hanset tau kengkawan...... baiklah infinite..
Post by atokENSEM on Feb 14, 2004 19:52:18 GMT 8
.:: Common Resume Mistakes...and How to Avoid Them ::.
More often than not, the company's first impression of you comes in the form of a resume, a simple piece of paper that includes your entire work and educational history, typically on one to two pages. With such limited space to convey such important information, it pays to make sure you get it right the first time.
To meet this challenge, it's important to keep in mind 10 of the most common resume mistakes. While avoiding these mistakes won't automatically make you a shoe-in for the job of your choice, it will make sure you are on the right track.
Mistake #1: Writing your resume to sound like a series of job descriptions. You need to give the reader an idea of what you have done throughout your career, but instead of focusing on the duties you were responsible for at your last jobs, list your accomplishments along with quantifiable facts to back up your claims. Saying you were responsible for a 10 percent growth in overall sales is more impressive than simply stating you managed a sales team.
Mistake #2: Writing in the first person. Your resume is not a personal correspondence, and should not include words such as "I," "my," and "me." Save the first person pronouns for your cover letter.
Mistake #3: Including unrelated and personal information. As mentioned above, you do not have much room in a resume, so why take up valuable space with information unrelated to the position you are seeking? Leave the details about your personal life, marital status, hobbies and other interests on the cutting room floor.
Mistake #4: Using passive language or no action words. Your resume needs to make a bold, strong statement, and the best way to do this is by utilizing action words to describe your accomplishments. Words like "coordinated," "achieved," "managed," and "implemented" will spice up your resume and make it more interesting and relevant to the reader.
Mistake #5: Repetitiveness. While using action words is important, it is also key to make sure you have variety in your resume. Don't pick a couple of words and stick with them throughout the entire document. Utilize a thesaurus, career advice Web sites and other sources if you are having problems coming up with new ways to say the same thing.
Mistake #6: Poor formatting or formatting that is too flashy. While the most important part of your resume is the content, there is no question that the document's overall look and feel is also important. By now, you should be comfortable enough with a word processing program to create a clean, polished looking document. Use consistent formatting for headings and bullet points. In the same respect, steer clear of flashy formatting or overly creative resumes with unconventional fonts or graphics, unless you are seeking a highly creative position. Keep your resume simple, bold and professional.
Mistake #7: Sending a resume without a cover letter. One of the worst things you can do is send a great resume without an official introduction. Resumes and cover letters should be inseparable. Make sure you don't give up your chance to really sell yourself with a cover letter.
Mistake #8: Sending an unfocused or generic resume. While your past experience does not change depending on the job or industry you are targeting, your resume certainly should. If you are seeking a sales-related position, your resume will include details that are different than those that would be included in a resume for a management job. Make sure you write to what you are seeking and make it easy for the reader to see why you are a good fit.
Mistake #9: Including typos and other spelling or grammatical errors. Before you send out your resume, make sure you have proofread it several times. Many hiring managers will automatically throw away a resume that has typos or other errors.
Mistake #10: Sending your resume to a nameless, faceless person. Want your resume to get thrown out with the recycling bin? Just send it to the company's "Hiring Manager," or "To Whom it May Concern." Do yourself a big favor and take the time to find a real person at the company who is responsible for hiring in the department you are targeting. This is often the first and most helpful step to getting your foot in the door.
By Career Builder
p/s: a very good advice for a graduating student.
Post by atokENSEM on Feb 17, 2004 19:56:21 GMT 8
Mahkamah Syariah: 2 lelaki mengaku salah
Oleh Aslinda Embran
PASIR PUTEH: “Saya sebenarnya pergi ke situ untuk membantu seorang insan yang memerlukan.
“Entah macamana perbuatan itu boleh berlaku,” kata seorang guru yang dituduh berkelakuan tidak sopan dengan seorang lelaki, di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah, di sini, semalam.
Mohamad Said, 35, membuat pengakuan itu ketika diberi peluang mengemukakan rayuan bagi meringankan hukumannya tetapi tindakannya itu menyebabkan dewan mahkamah yang dipenuhi orang ramai, gamat seketika.
Sebelum itu, tertuduh yang sudah beristeri bersama pasangannya, Mohd Zulzairi Zulkifli, 21, didakwa berkelakuan tidak sopan di dalam sebuah kereta jenis Kancil di tepi pantai Tok Bali, dekat sini, pada jam 8.05 malam, 9 Januari lalu.
Perbuatan mereka itu dikesan hasil rondaan cegah maksiat oleh sepasukan penyelia agama jajahan selepas membuat pemeriksaan ke atas kereta terbabit yang berada dalam keadaan mencurigakan.
Timbalan Pendakwa Sya- rie, Suratemi Mat Jusoh, ketika membentangkan fakta kes berkata, pasukan penyelia agama menggunakan lampu suluh untuk melihat ke dalam kenderaan itu yang diletakkan di tempat gelap.
“Pasukan penyelia mendapati seorang lelaki yang berada di tempat duduk hadapan sebelah kiri, dalam keadaan membongkok dan kepalanya berada di antara perut dan paha lelaki di tempat duduk pemandu.
Berikutan itu, katanya, kedua-dua lelaki terbabit diarahkan keluar dari kenderaan dan diberitahu bahawa perbuatan mereka adalah tidak sopan dan salah dari segi Kanun Jenayah Syariah No.2/1985 Negeri Kelantan.
Kedua-dua tertuduh mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan itu.
Hakim Syarie, Zaini Sulaiman kemudian mensabitkan kedua-dua tertuduh bersalah atas tuduhan itu dan mengarahkan mereka membayar denda RM900 seorang atau tiga bulan penjara sekiranya gagal.
astarfirallah al azim............
Post by eat_theDay on Feb 18, 2004 9:16:37 GMT 8
Berikut adalah artikel yang perlu diambil perhatian sekiranya anda belum membacanya... Sila baca artikel berikut mengenai orang yang HIV positif seronok menyebarkan virus HIV. Ianya pernah ke udara di dalam Televisyen Thai dimana pesakit HIV ditangkap & didakwa, tapi apa gunanya, beliau telah merosakkan ramai orang awam yang tak berdosa. Jadi sila berhati-hati...Beberapa tempat berbahaya dan kebarangkalian menemui jarum penyuntik yang telah digunakan penagih : 1. Di kawasan pantai. Apabila anda berjalan di pantai sila pakai selipar sebab jarum yang ada HIV telah terdedah dan menimbus jarum penyuntik di dalam pasir. Penyuntik ini kemudiannya terdedah akibat ombak. 2. Di kawasan permainan kanak-kanak. Satu lagi kawasan pilihan penagih.Terdapat kes di Australia di mana kanak-kanak yg tak berdosa telah tercucuk jarum penyuntik apabila beliau turun daripada papan lunsur kemudiannya didapati HIV positif. 3. Di panggung wayang. Sila pastikan kerusi yg anda duduki. Kes yang terjadi apabila seorang perempuan duduk di kerusi beliau dan terasa sesuatu benda mencucuk. Beliau berdiri dan mendapati ada penyuntik dan nota berbunyi "Welcome to the real world, you are now HIV positive". Doktor telah memeriksa jarum tersebut & mengesahkan ianya terdapat virus HIV. Ianya berlaku di Hawai jadi berhati-hati.... 4. Di Georgia & Florida, ada kes menunjukkan pesakit HIV meletakkan penyuntik di dalam tempat mengembalikan syiling, mesin air minuman...jadi pastikan bila anda membeli air atau kandi, perhatikan betul-betul tempat mengembalikan wang syiling....mungkin terdapat jarum penyuntik di dalamnya. Ini adalah nyawa anda. Dr Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof Associate Professor & Head Dept. of Chemical Pathology School of Medical Sciences USM
Senior Student
Success is not to b persued, it is to b attracted by the person we bcome......
Posts: 427
Post by sha on Feb 18, 2004 11:00:46 GMT 8
Mahkamah Syariah: 2 lelaki mengaku salah Oleh Aslinda Embran PASIR PUTEH: “Saya sebenarnya pergi ke situ untuk membantu seorang insan yang memerlukan. “Entah macamana perbuatan itu boleh berlaku,” kata seorang guru yang dituduh berkelakuan tidak sopan dengan seorang lelaki, di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah, di sini, semalam. Mohamad Said, 35, membuat pengakuan itu ketika diberi peluang mengemukakan rayuan bagi meringankan hukumannya tetapi tindakannya itu menyebabkan dewan mahkamah yang dipenuhi orang ramai, gamat seketika. Sebelum itu, tertuduh yang sudah beristeri bersama pasangannya, Mohd Zulzairi Zulkifli, 21, didakwa berkelakuan tidak sopan di dalam sebuah kereta jenis Kancil di tepi pantai Tok Bali, dekat sini, pada jam 8.05 malam, 9 Januari lalu. Perbuatan mereka itu dikesan hasil rondaan cegah maksiat oleh sepasukan penyelia agama jajahan selepas membuat pemeriksaan ke atas kereta terbabit yang berada dalam keadaan mencurigakan. Timbalan Pendakwa Sya- rie, Suratemi Mat Jusoh, ketika membentangkan fakta kes berkata, pasukan penyelia agama menggunakan lampu suluh untuk melihat ke dalam kenderaan itu yang diletakkan di tempat gelap. “Pasukan penyelia mendapati seorang lelaki yang berada di tempat duduk hadapan sebelah kiri, dalam keadaan membongkok dan kepalanya berada di antara perut dan paha lelaki di tempat duduk pemandu. Berikutan itu, katanya, kedua-dua lelaki terbabit diarahkan keluar dari kenderaan dan diberitahu bahawa perbuatan mereka adalah tidak sopan dan salah dari segi Kanun Jenayah Syariah No.2/1985 Negeri Kelantan. Kedua-dua tertuduh mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan itu. Hakim Syarie, Zaini Sulaiman kemudian mensabitkan kedua-dua tertuduh bersalah atas tuduhan itu dan mengarahkan mereka membayar denda RM900 seorang atau tiga bulan penjara sekiranya gagal. astarfirallah al azim............ astagfirullah al'azim....apelah nak jd ngan dieorg ni
Post by atokENSEM on Feb 19, 2004 1:32:03 GMT 8
astagfirullah al'azim....apelah nak jd ngan dieorg ni atok bc pun terperanjat sbb salah sorg tu guru..
Senior Student
Success is not to b persued, it is to b attracted by the person we bcome......
Posts: 427
Post by sha on Feb 20, 2004 8:40:01 GMT 8
Body Character Manusia Berdasarkan Kentutnya
1 . ORANG YANG TIDAK JUJUR Orang yang kalau kentut, selalu menyalahkan orang lain
2 . ORANG BANGANG Orang yang menahan kentutnya berjam jam
3 . ORANG YANG BERWAWASAN JAUH Orang yang tahu bila dia hendak kentut
4 . ORANG SENGSARA Orang yang nak kentut tapi tak boleh kentut
5 . ORANG YANG MISTERI Orang yang kalau kentut, orang lain takkan tahu
6 . ORANG YANG GUGUP Orang yang tetiba tahan kentutnya bila tiba masa untuk kentut
7 . ORANG YANG PERCAYA PADA DIRI SENDIRI Orang yang selalu menganggap kentutnya berbau harum
8 . ORANG YANG SADIS Orang yang kentut di katil, terus mengibaskan kentutnya pada katil orang lain
9 . ORANG YANG PEMALU Orang yang kalau kentut selalunya tak berbunyi tapi selalu merasa malu sendiri
10. ORANG YANG STRATEGIK Orang yang sering menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan ketawa terbahak-bahak agar tidak didengari oleh orang lain
11. ORANG YANG BODOH Orang yang dah kentut, kemudian menarik nafas untuk menggantikan agin yang keluar
12. ORANG YANG PELIK Orang yang kalau terkentut, mengeluarkannya sedikit-sedikit sampai bunyi "tit - tit - tittttt"
13. ORANG YANG SOMBONG Orang yang kalau kentut selalu berasa bangga dengan kentutnya
14. ORANG YANG PERAMAH Orang yang sering mencium kentut orang lain
15. ORANG YANG TIDAK SUKA BERGAUL Orang yang selalu kentut bersembunyi
16. ORANG YANG AKUATIK Orang yang selalu kentut dalam air sampai berbunyi "blekutuk - blekutuk - bloop -bloop - bloopp"
17. ORANG YANG ATHLIT Orang yang kalau kentut, sering mengeluarkan tenaga dalaman
18. ORANG YANG JUJUR Orang yang sering mengaku apabila terkentut
19. ORANG YANG PINTAR Orang yang boleh menilai bau kentut seseorang
20. ORANG YANG ROMANTIK Orang yang sering memuji-muji kentut pasangannya tu merdu dan wangi...
tambahan..org yg kentut dalam keta merupakan kejadian paling teruk..busuk dohhh