Post by SweetGirlz on Nov 8, 2003 3:58:28 GMT 8
Berdasarkan 25 Tahun Kajian Dr Fadzillah Kamsah JANUARI : 1. Bercita-cita tinggi 2. Orangnya serius 3. Suka mendidik dan dididik 4. Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik 5. Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan 6. Suka smart, kemas dan teratur 7. Bersifat sensitif 8. Berfikiran mendalam 9. Pandai mengambil hati orang lain 10. Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang 11. Agak pemalu 12. Daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi 13. Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri 14. Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema 15. Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamirkannya 16. Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak 17. Suka duduk rumah 18. Setia pada segala-galanya 19. Perlu belajar kemahiran sosial 20. Cukup cemburu yang sangat tinggi
FEBRUARI 1. Berfikiran abstrak 2. Sukakan benda yang reality dan abstrak 3. Inteligent, bijak dan genius 4. Berpesonality yang mudah berubah 5. Mudah menawan orang lain 6. Agak pendiam. 7. Pemalu dan rendah diri 8. Jujur dan setia pada segalanya 9. Keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat 10. Tidak suka dikongkong 11. Mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong 12. Suka kegiatan yg lasak 13. Emosinya mudah terluka dan sgt sensitif 14. Mudah mempamirkan marahnya 15. Tidak suka benda yg remeh-temeh 16. Suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya 17. Sangat berani dan suka memberontak 18. Bercita-cita tinggi dan suke berangan-angan dan ada harapan utk merealisasikan impiannya 19. Pemerhatian yg tajam 20. Suka hiburan dan sukan 21. Suka benda yg bersifat seni 22. Sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran 23. Berkecenderungan pd benda yg tahyul 24. Amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros 25. Belajar untuk mempamirkan emosi
MAC 1. Berpesonaliti yg menarik dan menawan 2. Mudah didampingi 3. Sgt pemalu dan pemendam rasa 4. Sgt baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati 5. Sgt sensitif pd perkataan yg dituturkan dan alam persekitaran 6. Suka pada kedamaian 7. Sgt peka kepada orang lain 8. Sesuai dgn kerjaya yg memberi khidmat kepada org lain 9. Tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah 10. Tahu balas budi dan tahu kenang budi 11. Pemerhatian dan penilaian yg sangat tajam 12. Kecenderungan utk berdendam jika tidak dikawal 13. Suka berangan-angan 14. Suka melancong 15. Sgt manja dan suka diberi perhatian yg sangat tinggi 16. Kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan 17. Suka dgn hiasan rumahtangga 18. Punya bakat seni dalam bidang muzik 19. Kecenderungan kepada benda yang istimewa dan baik jgn terlalu moody.
APRIL 1. Sgt aktif dan dinamik 2. Cepat bertindak buat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal 3. Sgt menarik dan pandai manjakan diri 4. Punya daya mental yg sangat kuat 5. Suka diberi perhatian 6. Sgt diplomatik (pandai memujuk ). 7. Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah org 8. Sgt berani dan tiada perasaan takut 9. Suka adventure, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah 10. Emosi cepat terusik 11. Try control the emotion 12. Kecenderungan bersifat dendam 13. Agresif, kelam kabut utk membuat keputusan 14. Kuat daya ingatan 15. Gerak hati yg sangat kuat 16. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan org lain 17. Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada 18. Sgt cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
MEI 1. Kekerasan hati & degil 2. Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi 3. Pemikiran yg tajam 4. Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal 5. Pandai menarik hati org lain & menarik perhatian 6. Perasaan yg amat mendalam 7. Cantik dr segi mental & fizikal 8. Tidak perlu dimotivasikan 9. Tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh org lain 10. Mudah dipujuk 11. Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri) 12. Suka berangan 13. Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yg terlintas di hati org lain tanpa diberitahu 14. Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit 15. Daya khayalan yg tinggi 16. Permikiran yg tajam 17. Pandai berdebat 18. Fizikal yg baik 19. Kelemahan sistem pernafasan 20. Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong 21. Tidak berapa suka duduk dirumah 22. Tidak boleh duduk diam 23. Tidak punya ramai anak 24. Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi 25. Agak boros
JUN 1. Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan 2. Mudah ditawan krn sikap baik 3. Bersikap terus-terang 4. Berperangai yg lemah lembut 5. Mudah berubah sikap,perangai, idea & mood 6. Idea yg terlalu banyak dikepala 7. Bersikap sensitif 8. Otaknya aktif (sentiasa berfikir)
9. Sukar melakukan sesuatu dgn segera 10. Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh 11. Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yg terbaik 12. Cepat marah &cepat sejuk 13. Berani dan tiada perasaan takut 14. Suka bercakap & berdebat 15. Pandai menawan dan memukau 16. Suka buat lawak & bergurau 17. Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan 18. Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan 19. Org yg sangat tertib dan tulus 20. Pandai mempamerkan sikap 21. Mudah kecil hati 22. Mudah kena selsema 23. Suka berkemas dan bergaya 24. Cepat rasa bosan 25. Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet 26. Kurang mempamerkan perasaan 27. Lambat nak sembuh apabila terluka hati 28. Suka kepada barang yang berjenama 29. Mudah menjadi eksekutif 30. Kedegilan yg tidak terkawal 31. Sesiapa yg memuji saya adalah musuh saya tetapi siapa menegur saya adalah kawan saya.
Post by SweetGirlz on Nov 8, 2003 3:59:27 GMT 8
JULAI 1. Sangat seronok didamping 2. Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki 3. Agak pendiam kecuali diransang 4. Ada harga dan maruah diri 5. Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan 6. Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus 7. Sangat menjaga hati orang lain 8. Sangat peramah 9. Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya 10. Berjiwa sentimental 11. Jarang berdendam 12. Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan 13. Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh 14. Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental 15. Sgt peka, caring dan mengasihi serta penyayang 16. Layanan yg serupa dgn semua orang 17. Tinggi daya simpati 18. Pemerhatian yg tajam 19. Suka menilai org lain dgn pemerhatian 20. Mudah dan rajin belajar 21. Suka muhasabah diri 22. Suka megenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama 23. Suka mendiamkan diri 24. Suka duduk dirumah 25. Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan 26. Tak agresif kecuali terpaksa 27. Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut 28. Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet 29. Minta disayangi 30. Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih 31. Terlalu mengambil berat 32. Rajin dalam membuat kerja
OGOS 1. Suka berlawak 2. Mudah tertawan kepadanya 3. Sopan santun dan caring terhadap org lain 4. Berani dan tidak tahu takut 5. Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan 6. Pandai pujuk org lain 7. Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego 8. Nilai harga diri yg sangat tinggi 9. Dahagakan pujian 10. Semangat juang yg luar biasa 11. Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk 12. Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan 13. Sangat cemburu 14. Daya pemerhatian yg tajam & teliti 15. Cepat berfikir 16. Fikiran yg berdikari 17. Suka memimpin & dipimpin 18. Sifat suka berangan 19. Berbakat dlm seni lukis,hiburan & silat 20. Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk 21. Cepat apabila ditimpa penyakit 22. Belajar utk relax 23. Sikap kelam kabut 24. Romantik, pengasih, penyayang 25. Suka mencari kawan
SEPTEMBER 1. Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur 2. Sangat cermat,teliti & teratur 3. Suka menegur kesilapan org lain & mengkritik 4. Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap 5. Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati 6. Sangat perihatin & terperinci,amanah,setia & jujur 7. Kerja yg dilakukansangat sempurna 8. Sangat sensitif yg tidak diketahui 9. Org yg banyak berfikir 10. Daya pentaakulan yg baik 11. Otak bijak & mudah belajar 12. Suka mencari maklumat 13. Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik 14. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri 15. Mudah memahami org lain (daya firasat yg tinggi) krn banyak simpan rahsia 16. Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong 17. Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya 18. Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan 19. Terlalu memilih pasangan 20. Sukakan benda yg luas 21. Bersistematik
OKTOBER 1. Suka sembang 2. Suka org yg sayang padanya 3. Suka ambil jln tengah 4. Sangat menawan & sopan santun 5. Kecantikan luar & dalam 6. Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura 7. Mudah rasa simpati,baik pentingkan kawan 8. Sentiasa berkawan 9. Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama 10. Cepat marah 11. Macam pentingkan diri sendiri 12. Tidak menolong org kecuali diminta 13. Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri 14. Tidak suka terima pandangan org lain 15. Emosi yg mudah terusik 16. Suka berangan & pandai bercakap 17. Emosi yg kelam kabut 18. Daya firasat yg sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan) 19. Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni 20. Pengasih ,penyayang & lemah lembut 21. Romantik dlm percintaan 22. Mudah terusik hati & cemburu 23. Ambil berat tentang org lain 24. Suka kegiatan luar 25. Org yg adil 26. Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran 27. Mudah patah semangat
NOVEMBER 1. Banyak idea dalam perkara 2. Sukar utk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya 3. Berfikiran kehadapan 4. Berfikiran unik dan bijak 5. Penuh dgn idea-idea baru yg luarbiasa 6. Pemikiran yg tajam 7. Daya firasat yg sgt halus dan tinggi 8. Bagus utk jadi doktor 9. Cermat dan teliti 10. Personality dinamik 11. Sifat yg berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia 12. Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra 13. Berani, pemurah setia dan byk kesabaran 14. Terlalu degil dan keras hati 15. Apabila hendak, diusahakan sehingga berjaya 16. Tak suka marah kecuali digugat 17. Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain 18. Pandai muhasabah diri 19. Cara berfikir lain dari org lain 20. Otak yg sangat tajam 21. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri 22. Tidak hargai pujian 23. Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yg sgt tinggi dan 24. Apabila hendak sesuatu cuba sampai berjaya 25. Badan yg tough 26. Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam 27. Romantik 28. Tidak pasti dgn hubungan kasih sayang 29. Suka duduk dirumah 30. Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi 31. Amanah, jujur setia dan pandai berahsia 32. Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi 33. Bercita-cita tinggi 34. Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
DISEMBER 1. Sangat setia dan pemurah 2. Bersifat patriotik 3. Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan 4. Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa 5. Bercita-cita tinggi 6. Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dlm organisasi 7. Seronok didampingi 8. Suka bercampur dgn org 9. Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan suka dibelai 10. Sangat jujur amanah dan bertolak ansur 11. Tidak pandai berpura-pura 12. Cepat marah 13. Perangai yg berubah-ubah 14. Tidak ego walaupun harga diri yang sangat tinggi 15. Benci pada kongkongan 16. Suka berlawak 17. Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran dgn logik
Post by avocado on Nov 8, 2003 12:25:58 GMT 8
wah artikel yg best.. tapi kan.. semua org ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya.. sbb Tuhan tu Maha Adil.. di sebalik kelemahan tu plak ada hikmahnye..
Post by atokENSEM on Nov 8, 2003 14:51:36 GMT 8
takpe..ni kajian je..bagus gak sweet girlz ni antar horoscope..tapi kajian fadzilah kamsah ni..byk betul gak!lagi satu..atok dgr,dr fadzilah kamsah ni kahwin dua..bini muda umur 20thn!citer dia..sbb bdk tu byk masalah..tu yg dr fadzilah kawin dgn dia..tapi atok tua tua ni..nak gak kawin muda..hehehe ;D
Senior Student
Something warm flowing through my eyes, But somehow I found my baby that night,
Posts: 291
Post by dEw@[CrOnIc$] on Nov 21, 2003 15:21:54 GMT 8
ala atok sweet girlz kan ade.................hohohohohihihi
Post by atokENSEM on Nov 22, 2003 2:29:39 GMT 8
cukuplah bini atok sorg tu je.. ;)tapi kalo sweetgirlz ingin kat atok..beringin2 lah atok kat sini..hehehe ;D
Post by antuseramgiler on Dec 5, 2003 5:08:46 GMT 8
WHAT IS YOUR DATE OF BIRTH, MATCH AND SEE WHAT ANIMAL ARE YOU... > GOOD LUCK.... > January 1 - 9 ~ Dog > January 10 - 24 ~ Mouse > January 25 - 31 ~ Lion > February 1 - 5 ~ Cat > February 6 - 14 ~ Dove > February 15 - 21 ~ Turtle > February 22 - 28 ~ Panther > March 1 - 12 ~ Monkey > March 13 - 15 ~ Lion > March 16 - 23 ~ Mouse > March 24 - 31 ~ Cat > April 1 - 3 ~ Dog > April 4 - 14 ~Panther > April 15 - 26 ~Mouse > April 27 - 30 ~Turtle > May 1 - 13 ~ Monkey > May 14 - 21 ~ Dove > May 22 - 31 ~Lion > June 1 - 3 ~ Mouse > June 4 - 14 ~ Turtle > June 15 - 20 ~ Dog > June 21 -24 ~ Monkey > June 25 - 30 ~ Cat > July 1 - 9 ~ Mouse > July 10 - 15 ~ Dog > July 16 - 26 ~ Dove > July 27 - 31 ~ Cat > August 1 - 15 ~ Monkey > August 16 - 25 ~ Mouse > August 26 - 31 ~ Turtle > September 1 - 14 ~ Dove > September 15 - 27~ Cat > September 28 - 30~ Dog > October 1 - 15 ~ Monkey > October 16 - 27 ~ Turtle > October 28 - 31 ~Panther > November 1 - 16 ~ Lion > November 17 -30 ~ Cat > December 1 - 16 ~ Dog > December 17 - 25 ~ Monkey > December 26 - 31 ~ Dove
> Dog Your Attractive and popular. Your nice and easy going and make friends with everyone very easily. Your cool and smart and are a leader.
> Cat Your very shy and cute. You are a follower and dont like to talk to people you dont know. Your very careful about choosing your friends. Your really nice.
> Monkey You are attractive and hyper. You have a lot of friends and your really outgoing. You gossip alot. Your funky and "unique" theres no one else like you. You want attention and like to be a leader.
> Panther You are mysterious. You have lots of friends and can be mean at times or nice. You always have the latest gossip with you and you are a leader.
> Mouse Your very quiet and quick - witted. You are very shy. Your cute and funny. You have a little group of friends. You are not "popular" but you are not a "geek"
> Lion You are a born leader. People look up to you. You have lots a friends and you are very attractive. Your nice and people want to be your friend. You make friends easily.
> Turtle You are very nice and pretty. You treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. You have lots of friends and never talk about anyone behind their back. You are loyal.
> Dove Your very peaceful and nice. You fall in love very easily and you are quiet and calm. You are not very shy but you are not outgoing. You are a leader of your group of friends
> ~ Say what you want to say when you have the time, > because tomorrow maybe one day late, > Our deepest regrets are words unsaid and things undone ~
Post by enigma on Dec 5, 2003 8:31:07 GMT 8
amboi tok...melampau-lampau plak dia... ;D
Post by atokENSEM on Dec 6, 2003 2:57:13 GMT 8
;D gatal gatal atok pun..nenek syg..
Post by SweetGirlz on Dec 6, 2003 3:53:56 GMT 8
hihihi.. ;)nan+enigma?ape lah tok ni kan..tua2 pun menggatai.. ;)marah kang nenek tu! ;D
Post by PoKai B on Dec 10, 2003 13:27:07 GMT 8
hahaha....semua nyer kene kat batang idung aku....kat tempat lain x kene...idung jer tau...hahaha.......90% semuanyer ader pd aku......akulah yg best tp suke huhahuha......aku mmg best...... ;D
Post by SweetGirlz on Dec 10, 2003 19:49:33 GMT 8
ape ni pokai b,sy tak faham
Post by turtle on Dec 10, 2003 20:57:31 GMT 8
Pokai B ang bln bapa?
Post by TwinHead-FOREIGNER on Dec 11, 2003 8:51:17 GMT 8
Wei Pokai BOi!.Apa la nak jadi dengan kau ni?
Post by TwinHead-FOREIGNER on Dec 12, 2003 16:36:15 GMT 8
friends, find urself... FORWARD this quiz onto friends so they can work out their personality type, and you can compare your characteristics! Answer the following 4 questions, and for each question, write down the letter (you'll need a pen and paper) that describes you best. You'll then end up with a 4-letter description (like IITS or ESFU or ISTS or EITS etc, etc). You then scroll down and find the description of your personality type from the 16 below. There, you'll find analysis of your: - GENERAL LIFE: the main features of your personality type. - LOVE LIFE: the types that make your ideal life partner. - WORK LIFE: some careers that suit your personality. ************************************************************ QUESTION 1: The 1st of your 4 letters ************************************************************ Which statement - (a) or (b) - **BEST** describes you? (a) Sociable, outgoing, animated, expressive, acts before thinks. If this describes you better than (b), then write down the letter "E". (b) Private, reserved, thoughtful, thinks before acts. If this describes you better than (a), then write down the letter "I". ========================================================= YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE YOUR FIRST LETTER (OF 4) WRITTEN DOWN ========================================================= ************************************************************ QUESTION 2: The 2nd of your 4 letters ************************************************************ Which statement - (a) or (b) - **BEST** describes you? (a) Down-to-earth, eye for detail, practical, values security, systematic. If this describes you better than (b), then write down the letter "S". (b) Full of ideas, imaginative, trusts intuition, values freedom, idealistic. If this describes you better than (a), then write down the letter "I". ========================================================= YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE TWO LETTERS (OF 4) WRITTEN DOWN ========================================================= ************************************************************ QUESTION 3: The 3rd of your 4 letters ************************************************************ Which statement - (a) or (b) - **BEST** describes you? (a) Rational, cool, thinking, questioning, independent, seeks truth. If this describes you better than (b), then write down the letter "T". (b) Warm, supportive, trusting, feeling, values harmony, likes to be appreciated. If this describes you better than (a), then write down the letter "F". ========================================================= YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE THREE LETTERS (OF 4) WRITTEN DOWN ========================================================= ************************************************************ QUESTION 4: The 4th of your 4 letters ************************************************************ Which statement - (a) or (b) - **BEST** describes you?
(a) Organized, disciplined, goal-oriented, good decision-maker, planned approach. If this describes you better than (b), then write down the letter "S". (b) Easy-going, flexible, spontaneous, keeps options open, delays decisions. If this describes you better than (a), then write down the letter "U". ========================================================= YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE ALL FOUR LETTERS WRITTEN DOWN ========================================================= ************************************************************ NOW FIND YOUR 4-LETTER COMBINATION BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE! ************************************************************ ************************************************************* EITU ************************************************************* GENERAL LIFE: EITUs approach life with enthusiasm and confidence. They are imaginative people whose love of adventure motivates them to explore new experiences and challenges. They can be both creative and logical. EITUs dislike rules and regulations, and prefer an flexible approach. An EITU's life is often a succession of projects, some of which are not seen through to completion. They are likely to pursue hobbies that are exciting and involve an element of risk.
LOVE LIFE: Even though two people from any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, EITU's ideal partner is the IIFS, or the IITS. WORK LIFE: Typical EITU Career Paths - Lawyer, Psychologist, Entrepreneur, Strategic Planner, Photographer, Engineer, Scientist, Actor, Sales Representatives, Marketer, Computer Programmer, Journalist, Project Manager, Art/creative director, Logistics consultant, Radio/TV talk show host.
************************************************************ EITS ************************************************************* GENERAL LIFE: EITSs approach life with energy and confidence. They are high achievers whose work and career share top priority in their life with their close relationships. In work they value efficiency and effectiveness, and are highly results orientated. EITSs are assertive, outgoing and decisive. They can be both logical and creative. They are excited by ideas and have the discipline to bring them into reality. EITSs thrive on rising to challenges and are stimulated by finding effective solutions to complex problems. LOVE LIFE: Even though two people from any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, EITS's ideal partner is the IITU, or the ISTU. WORK LIFE: Typical EITS Career Paths: Corporate Executive Officer, Entrepreneur, Computer Consultant, Lawyer, Judge, Business Administrators and Managers, University Professors/Teacher, Administrator, Sales manager, Logistics Consultant, Human Resources Consultant, Management Training/Consultancy, Engineer, Educational Consultant, Financial Planner.
************************************************************* ESTS
************************************************************* GENERAL LIFE: ESTSs approach life with energy and confidence. They are active, ambitious and practical, and tend to be analytical, logical and decisive, and mistrust theory, ideas and philosophies. ESTSs are good at organizing themselves and other people, and often rise to positions of leadership and authority. ESTSs believe in tradition and the importance of proven systems and structures. They often involve themselves in their local community through organizing events and keeping in touch with what is happening around them. People, behaviour or attitudes that do not conform to their very clear standards are often to be viewed with suspicion.
LOVE LIFE: Even though two people from any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ESTS's ideal partner is the ISTU, or the IITU. WORK LIFE: Typical ESTS Career Paths: Military leaders, Business administrator/manager, Police/detective work, Computer analyst, Judge, Financial officer, Teacher, Sales representative, Pharmaceutical sales, Auditor, Technical trainer, Project manager, Factory supervisor, Credit analyst, Engineer, Regulatory compliance officer, Budget analyst, Data base manager, Dentist.
************************************************************* ESFS ************************************************************* GENERAL LIFE: ESFSs approach life with energy and enthusiasm. They are outgoing, friendly and down-to-earth. Material security and a happy family life are top priorities. ESFSs tend to be generous with their feelings and their possessions. They are socially skilled, and are good hosts and hostesses. They enjoy being with people and have many social and family connections. They seek harmony with others and find conflict difficult to handle.
ESFSs tend to support and observe traditions and customs, especially those that bring people together such as festivities, celebrations and commemorations, and they are often actively involved in the local community. LOVE LIFE: Even though two people from any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ESFS's ideal partner is the ISFU, or the IIFU. WORK LIFE: Typical ESFS Career Paths: Nurse, Teaching, Child Care, Administrator, Flight attendant, Family Practice Physician, Clergy or other religious work, Telemarketer, Social worker, Counselor, Special education teacher, Merchandise planner, Credit counselor, Office Managers, Counselors / Social Work, Bookkeeping / Accounting, Administrative Assistants, Caterer, Bookkeeper, Medical/dental assistant, Exercise physiologist. ************************************************************* EIFS ************************************************************* GENERAL LIFE: EIFSs have a positive and enthusiastic approach to life. They combine personal warmth with insight and creativity, and like to explore new ideas, possibilities and experiences that are consistent with their values. EIFSs have strong values and great faith in their beliefs, and they are not afraid to express them. They are capable and organized, have clear long term goals. EIFSs value honesty, openness and trust in their relationships. They tend to be very expressive people with a gift for communication. EIFSs need to feel appreciated and are good at expressing their appreciation of others. For this reason they are persuasive and influential without being overbearing and people naturally tend to look to them as spokespeople.