Post by SweetGirlz on Dec 22, 2003 14:04:34 GMT 8
entahla..sy pun tak pasti betul ke tak? ::)but..nampak mcm real je
Post by .:.nurisy@*UnpredictablE.:. on Dec 23, 2003 10:14:34 GMT 8
isk..... takot nyer... suke tul letak gambar menyeram kan tau atok nie.... dibuat nyer ader penyakit jantung berlubang ker?? tak ker sesak nafas.....
Post by .:.nurisy@*UnpredictablE.:. on Dec 23, 2003 10:42:28 GMT 8
Post by enigma on Dec 23, 2003 11:32:00 GMT 8
enigma tak tahulah nk kata leh percaya ke ta k....tp bende2 halus camtu memang wujud di atas muka bumi ni .....kita pun kena percaya gak bende2 halus ni sbb dioran gpun makhluk ALlah gak....
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Post by LaNgSuIr on Dec 23, 2003 12:52:09 GMT 8
benda2 halus memang wujud!dalam forum ni..dah baper org hantu..yg suke bahan!muahahahah
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Success is not to b persued, it is to b attracted by the person we bcome......
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Post by sha on Dec 23, 2003 14:21:57 GMT 8
Penemuan yg menakjubkan....... Assalamualaikum Penemuan ini sungguh menakjubkan dan wajib dikongsi bersama, kenapa dgn keizinanNYA air penawar blh menyembuhkan penyakit, baca dan hayatilah petikan dibawah: Pada 10/10/02 (Khamis) yang lalu, Pihak Surau Wisma Telekom Semarak telah menjemput Ustaz Abdullah Mahmud untuk menyampaikan ceramah beliau. Diantaranya : Air merupakan salah satu rahmat Allah kepada manusia, Manusia tidak boleh hidup tanpa air, dan manusia tidak boleh hidup tanpa rahmat dari Allah. Ustaz kemudian bercerita bahawa dia telah berkesempatan menghadiri satu seminar mengenai AIR yang berlangsung di Hotel Istana baru-baru ini yang mana kebanyakan participant yang hadir terdiri daripada orang bukan Islam kecuali 2 orang (Ustaz Abdullah dan seorang Pensyarah dari UM). Penceramahnya seorang Profesor yg pakar ttg air dari Jepun. Beliau menunjukkan hasil kajiannya mengenai air, beberapa slide ditunjukkan dan dipancarkan dilayar putih kepada hadirin sekelian. Sampel-sampel air yang diambil dari berbagai sumber air (sungai, laut, perigi dan bermacam lagi). Maka terpancarlah berbagai-bagai rupa bentuk susunan molekul-molekul air tersebut. Ada yang berupa seolah-olah seperti jin tetapi samar-samar, tidak begitu jelas (dengan telinga yang besar, bertanduk dan sebagainya) rupa yang menggerunkan dan menakutkan. Lalu Profesor itu berkata "banyak lagi sampel- sampel air yang lain tetapi rupa molekul-molekulnya hampir sama, sekarang saya nak tunjukkan sampel air yang berlainan dari sampel-sampel air yang saya tunjukkan tadi" Profesor itu pun tunjukkan, maka terpancarkan satu rupa bentuk molekul air yang tersusun cantik berupa seolah-olah seperti berlian (bersegi-segi), bersinar-sinar dan sinarannya mengeluarkan warna-warna yang menarik melebihi 12 warna. MasyaAllah, cantik. Lalu profesor bertanya "Siapakah di antara kamu semua yang tahu sampel air apakah ini". Hadirin semua senyap, dan kemudian, Pensyarah dari UM mengangkat tangan dan menjawab "saya rasa itu adalah sampel air zam-zam". Profesor berkenaan memanggil Pensyarah tersebut naik ke atas dan bertanya "Berikan saya sebab kenapa awak berkata air itu adalah air zam-zam. "Kerana air zam-zam adalah air yang termulia didunia ini "Jawab Pensyarah. Profesor berkata "Saya tak tahu samada betul atau tidak air zam-zam itu mulia tetapi memang betul ini adalah sampel air zam-zam." Kemudian Professor mengatakan bahawa, kata-kata juga dapat mempengaruhi rupa bentuk molekul-molekul air. Lalu didalam dewan itu mereka membuat experiment bagaimanakah yang dikatakan kata-kata dapat menpengaruhi rupa bentuk molikul-molikul air. Semua hadirin dikehendaki membaca sesuatu kepada air mineral masing-masing. Lalu seorang volunteer bangun untuk menguji bagaimana rupa air yang telah dibaca. Bila ditunjukkan diskrin, nampak molikul air membentuk seolah-olah seperti tokong cina (dengan janggut yg panjang dan perut yg buncit). Bila tiba giliran Ustaz, air yang dibaca dengan Al-Fatihah, Selawat dan Ayat Kursi maka nampaklah rupa molikul air seperti berlian dan berkilau-kilau.... Subhanallah. Lalu Ustaz disuruh oleh Profesor menbaca sebarang ayat/kata-kata yang tidak baik...maka nampaklah diskrin molikul air berupa seperti sel-sel barah. Subhanallah..... daripada ceramah yang Ustaz sampaikan ini marilah kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar daripadanya. Ini adalah kata-kata dari Ustaz Abdullah : "Jika hendak air itu merasa manis maka masukkanlah gula, jika hendak air itu berwarna maka masukkanlah pewarna dan jika hendak air itu mulia maka masukanlah ayat-ayat yang mulia kepadanya ". Wassalam.
Post by duo on Dec 23, 2003 15:36:07 GMT 8
subhanallah..maha suci Allah tuhan seru sekalin alam
Post by mizz_seven on Dec 23, 2003 15:51:46 GMT 8
masya allah.... tuhan maha berkuasa
Post by atokENSEM on Dec 23, 2003 20:43:52 GMT 8
manusia buaya
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Success is not to b persued, it is to b attracted by the person we bcome......
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Post by sha on Dec 24, 2003 9:53:32 GMT 8
It's True-Did U Know
Military action in Iraq has been the catalyst for the debate about the treatment of Prisoners of War (POW). When soldiers surrender and if they are captured, they are categorized as Prisoners of War.
The Geneva Convention requires that the following rules be applied when dealing with Prisoners of War.
Basic food rations should keep prisoners in good health Suitable clothing should be supplied, preferably prisoners' original uniforms Prisoners must be protected against violence or intimidation, insults and public curiosity. Prisoners should be released and repatriated without delay after ceasefire
The Third Geneva Convention was signed by the United States, Iraq and more than 180 other governments.
It was written to protect the lives, health and dignity of uniformed combatants; the civilians accompanying them, like war correspondents; and some guerrilla fighters.
It includes guarantees of things like food, clothing and shelter, and protections against torture, coercion and humiliation.
Prisoners of war are in the power of the hostile Government, but not of the individuals or formation which captured them.
Below are some exerpts taken from the Geneva Convention. The first conventions were drawn up in 1864; further conventions in 1949 set out standards for the treatment of the wounded and POWs, as well as protection of civilians:
Article 13: Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the detaining power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out in his interest. Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity. Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.
Article 14: Prisoners of war are entitled in all circumstances to respect for their persons and their honor. Women shall be treated with all the regard due to their sex and shall in all cases benefit by treatment as favorable as that granted to men. Prisoners of war shall retain the full civil capacity which they enjoyed at the time of their capture. The detaining power may not restrict the exercise, either within or without its own territory, of the rights such capacity confers except in so far as the captivity requires.
The Geneva Convention does not clearly specify whether pictures and video footages of the Prisoners of War are allowed to be shown in television.
The West and Middle East media have both broadcasted these Prisoners of War which some argue cause humiliation to the prisoners.
Currently over at Iraq, there are Iraq, U.S. and British Prisoners of War held by the enemy parties.
America and Iraq have reiterated that they will treat Prisoners of War according to the Geneva Convention.
Senior Student
Success is not to b persued, it is to b attracted by the person we bcome......
Posts: 427
Post by sha on Dec 24, 2003 10:22:15 GMT 8
loyalty of a lizard
This is a true story that happened in Japan. In order to renovate the house, someone in Japan tears open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls.
When tearing down the walls, he found that there is a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside got stuck into one of its feet. He sees this, feels pity and at the same time curious, as when he check the nail, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.
What happened?
The lizard has survived in such position for 10 years! In a dark wall partition for 10 years without moving, it is not an easy task.
Then he remembered, how this lizard survived for 10 years without moving a single step - the feet was nailed!
So he stop the work and observe the lizard, what is it eating?
Later, don't know from where appears another lizard, with food in its mouth...
AHHH! He is stunted. What kind of love is this?
For the lizard that was stuck by a nail, another lizard has been feeding it for the past 10 years ...
I am touched when I heard this story. And stop wondering the relationship between them: family, friends, lovers, brothers, sisters......
As the technology advances, our access to information became faster and faster.
But the distance between the human beings, is it getting closer as well?
Share this story with everyone that touched your life.
Post by duo on Dec 24, 2003 12:31:25 GMT 8
gamba yang atok post tu adalah dari spesis buaya darat...hahaha ;D kepada para buaya darat..jaga2 siket tingkah laku kamu...kalau tak nanti jadila macam dalam gamba tu... ;D
Post by atokENSEM on Dec 25, 2003 7:27:35 GMT 8
Post by cuak_mengganas on Dec 25, 2003 13:34:36 GMT 8
ish...mcm2 yg ajaib la....la...nape si nuris tu htr post kosong....klu satriamivec tau,abisla.....
Post by SweetGirlz on Dec 25, 2003 21:16:00 GMT 8
ish...mcm2 yg ajaib la....la...nape si nuris tu htr post kosong....klu satriamivec tau,abisla..... awk xtau ke cuak..mivec tu x suke nuris!kalu mivec tau,mesti kena bahan nuris ni kan?